Full liberation, total severance, hara kiri! What can I say? It's terrific news about Blighty - looks like we might be having mackerel for breakfast again & not those ghastly croissant. And who ever cared for Prosecco? All we want is to drink cold dark ale in a dank pub in the city with sawdust on the floor (much better for absorbing urine) & watch our ticker. Don't you think, Jeremy?
Do we have to say goodbye to Laclos? Or do your creative talents run to the Liaisons Dangereuses?
Web Wizardry
Brilliant! So now maybe I can delete the overflow-x: auto property? What do you think? Sound fun?
Ultimate Magic
Yes. I was being really stupid, I hadn't realised my issue was in fact with the never-ending BlaBlaBla.
Nature in all her Glory